I found out less than two weeks ago that I'd be teaching a combination first and second grade class this year...less than one day before students and parents were scheduled to come in for the annual back to school meet-and-greet. Needless to say, my initial response was one of shock and disbelief. Then, it transitioned into doubt....and finally into panic. How on earth was I supposed to make sure that I could be ready for the following day?
After a lot of hard work, fast thinking, and help from my colleagues and my wonderful husband, my classroom was finally ready to go by the meet-and-greet. I met the majority of my students and their parents, and my first response after that initial encounter with my kids was, Holy cow, they're so cute and little! After teaching 4th and 5th grades for the last 5 years, coming down to the primary grades was somewhat of a culture shock. Yet, they grasped onto my heart strings immediately. :)
I have now officially been with them in the classroom for one week. I am truly loving every minute of it, despite having to learn entirely new curriculum resources, district assessments, and train myself to align my thinking more with 6 and 7 year olds. I think one of the most endearing moments as a teacher is when a student comes up to you at the end of every day and says, "I love you, teacher!" I haven't even known "my kids" for that long, and we're already creating meaningful relationships. I am so looking forward to working with them this year, and growing in my own professional development to meet their needs!